2012 will smell like Shock

When searching for a new fragrance inspiration a few weeks back, I intended to find something classic and elegant, a bit sophisticated. Leaning towards sparking sweetness rather than pastel freshness, I was dazed and stunned in the moment I tried Calvin Klein's novelty, eau de toilette CK One Shock For Him. I just thought, that must be it. Someone wrote it deserves its own brand line instead of being a spin-off of CK One, and I completely agree with that opinion. The manufacturer describes it as sparkling, energetic, oriental, with smooth spice and masculine tabacco musk.

How do I feel about CK One Shock? Imagine the smell of a dark chocolate, coffee beans, a glass of rum and tabacco of the highest quality. Lavender and delicate pepper. Luxurious and ornamental, sensual and sexy, captivating and charming, bohemian and vintage. Exclusive, golden, brown. Reading an old, good book in front of a fireplace, in a classical victorian chamber. Black & white movie, sophisticated dinner party. And yet, there is something wild, oriental, wooden and crude about it. Smoky and deep, suited for winter evenings, as well as the other seasons in case you'd like to preserve that kind of contemplation and daydreaming. It doesn't take you up but deeply down to the shady and intriguing undergrounds.
That's how I feel about CK One Shock, which I will be wearing in the upcoming year.

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus by Amy Winehouse


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