A day with Sofia Coppola

Sofia Coppola's works speak to me so well. Her last three films, to me, build a sort of trilogy focused on a sensitive individual lost in chasms of communication. Her characters find themselves in a foreign land, in a relationship with the loved one, in a role they're expected to fulfil or in an era they somehow don't fit into. Always asking themselves who they really are and what the reason they don't have enough air to breathe is. Unique way of seeing from a perspective of a misfit brings you closer to him or her and creates a captivating intimacy when watching a film. I love all three of them also because of memorable indie soundtracks, composed of some excellent songs from Phoenix, Aphex Twin, Air, Dustin O'Halloran, Bow Wow Wow or The Cure. I already can't wait to see The Bling Ring next year, with Kirsten Dunst returning to work with Sofia Coppola.

I started my last Saturday afternoon with recalling Marie Antoinette and spent the evening with Somewhere. Staying home wasn't any limit to go back to the sunny hilly roads of Hollywood thanks to the second film. Above pictures captured some moments of my 2010 summer, when I spent a few days in LA.

All Cats Are Grey by The Cure


  1. Photos are more then great!


  2. Amazing pictures. You made us live your summer through them.



  3. ... You're the one who takes those pics ? There're amazing ! Truly. All this atmosphere, it's beautiful

    1. That's right. Thank you very much for your kind words!

  4. really - you have a big talent as photographer and to capture amazing atmospheres.
    hard to find a blog like yours - followed you right away here and on bloglovin. keep up the great work - it inspires me.

    Eros (www.HermesIsMyDad.com

    1. Eros, I'm blown away! Your words are very supportive, flattering and kind! I'm truly happy I may give you a bit of inspiration. Thank you!


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