A place in the sun

A few snapshots, or outtakes, and some close-ups from the previously posted photo series. Simply to put myself back on the blogging tracks and before the next outfit post. The title may also be a continuation from the previous post since it comes from another brilliant, classic movie from the 1950s, starring lady Taylor and sir Clift. When I was staring motionlessly at these photos, thinking over a title for the post and repeating 'sun' in my head, that movie streamed into my mind.
One more word about the outfit. Aren't those badges kind of cute?

July has been, and unfortunately actually still is, the strangest month in my year so far. All the creative juices were replaced by thought-fighting and never-ending confusion. I applied for some university courses, such as journalism, communications, French or art history, got into, and eventually resigned from all of them. The good thing is, I've learned a little bit more about myself and got to know myself better. Well, I'm postponing retraining till later and now I think I'm back to the self-development processes in personal terms.

Roseblood by Mazzy Star


  1. wow! you are stunningly handsome. Aw hope you find the craft that you will really enjoy and love.


  2. Great post! I love it! ^^ You have a nice blog, mind to follow each other? :)

    PS: I don't post shits... :p

    See you soon on my blog!

  3. Great post! Good luck with uni :)


  4. incredible pics
    you are a handsome guy


  5. Love this photos, love your blog. I am following you.



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