A silent film

In the previous post I mentioned Charles Chaplin not without reason. For the recent couple of weeks I've been having some quality time with his creations. Reading Chaplin's autobiography enriched my reception of his movies with details from behind the scenes and helped to understand his genius better, even though reading somebody's personal notes isn't the smoothest thing. It occurs to be quite hard to pick out my favorite movie of his, but definitely it'd be one of the silent films, which leaves The Great Dictator in the end of my ratings. I think from the other five Chaplin's films that I've seen I enjoyed Modern Times the most. City Lights is the cutest, and The Kid is so appealing.
As a huge admirer of old films, I truly love Charlie Charplin's works in all the aspects: screenwriting, directing, acting. To gain a wider picture of the art of silent films, for this upcoming weekend I'm planning to see Buster Keaton's Sherlock Jr and The General, and finally The Artist.

I can't believe I'm going to see and hear Lianne La Havas live in London in October! Definitely my greatest musical discovery of this year, heard for the first time around February, has been echoing in my ears ever since.

Au Cinéma by Lianne La Havas


  1. i love the combination of blazer and shirt with flowers.
    maybe you like this look...fran


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