
It was summertime a couple of years ago, when being confused about the spread of free time I started watching Six Feet Under. It guickly became one of the most touching things I had experienced back then and it defined that summer completely. When I heard Woodstock by Joni Mitchell in one of the episodes, I couldn't believe how come a simple song can be that beautiful. I was blown away by its delicacy from the very first listening and struck by the purity of the scene in which it was played - when Claire's anxieties are juxtaposed with her aunt's hippie place, filled with love and peace. And the final scene of the episode, when trapped in her own limitations Ruth gives herself a moment of liberation and sings Woodstock, is just a tear jerker.
I've barely separated myself from Joni Mitchell's soft voice ever since. Please take me to the 70s.

Purple tie-dye hippie top with splatter burst pattern - vintage.

Woodstock by Joni Mitchell


  1. you look incredible with this look. i love the first pic

    new look!!!

  2. Joni Mitchell had so many simple, beautiful songs.
    I really like this look, it's simple in itself but has a great story behind it.


  3. you look always amazing. You are indeed a born artist <3


  4. so beautiful! Sweet, lovely and tenter <3!

  5. Thank you so much, boys!


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