
The first of the outfits that I composed when being in London and that will be named after the places where they were captured. Here, I'm basically looking at the Westminster Bridge from the southern bank.

I somehow bestow that leather bag with affection. It's so vintage that I even just don't know where it comes from. I've just inherited it after parents, I guess. It's very solid and age-proof. With that Zara trench, Blanco bow-tie and fedora tilted back (I wear it only that way), it creates a nice retro frame of mind.

To musically accompany this look, I've chosen a song by Lesley Gore recorded in 1963. It's been with me basically since I heard it a couple of days ago in a video encouraging women to vote in the upcoming election in the States. I love it. Alexa Chung, Sia, Tavi Gevinson, Abbey Lee Kershaw, Lena Dunham and Shae Detar (love her photography!) appear in the video among many other acclaimed ladies.

You Don't Own Me by Lesley Gore


  1. you must be a model!


  2. you look so chic! + love your hair!!


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