My own private island

My 8-hours-a-night-face-repair-sleep plan is not going so well this week, but I've got used to postponing things. Tomorrow I'll sleep more. A never-ending story. There were lots of caffeine applied to my veins today, so here I am, taking minute after minute of sleep away. But I can't resist.
A continuum to the previous post, in which I introduced you to my island of aesthetics musings. I feel like I've half-opened a lid to what I'd describe as an ultimate form of personal style, where a soft grunge blends with a delicate elegance. The above styling encompasses somewhat the golden mean which transposes some tones of rock and roll into what I interpret as a reserved, collar-based uniform. The key is threefold: trousers too skinny, shirt too long, jacket too short. I absolutely opt for this kind of silhouette, that at the same time embodies androgyny as a menswear fashion staple so well.
Beard is definitely a purposeful, edgy addition here. The cavemen at work may call me hipster, I don't mind. Having a genuine fashion mood for a tramp style is better than not having any kind of it at all. Speaking of hair, my haircut is refreshed here. As a justification I should add, I've done it all by myself. Not so sure if I'm proud of it though.
Now, sleep.

Stay The Same by Bent


  1. you're style is a love man!


  2. you look so stylish. awesome photographs!

  3. Very, very good outfit : )


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