The perks of springtime

When I'm searching the corners of my old brain for a proper title for this series of self-portraits, jaw's anatomy is what pops out first. I guess it sounds more elegant than just a preview of the next outfit post soon to come. I'll elaborate more on the styling concept and structure in the following blog post. For now, just a 5-piece dose to avoid an overwhelming photo stream later.

I'm currently so content with the fact that for the recent weeks I've been able to switch my mood status from why is it already dark outside? into available for golden hours. I shot those after coming home from work, around 7 PM, and I guess what hides behind the shades is a vile picture of physical fatigue. But I don't mind, as long as the sun shines just above the horizon, giving that long-awaited warmth to the photographs.

I'm glad beyond measure that the dedicated readership of this blog grows, slowly but undoubtedly. I feel like apologizing for not posting three times a week, but as stronly as I'd love to, I blame the perpetual lack of time. If there was no Twitter with all those news and creative contents feeding me with unrealistic aspirations (who hasn't immersed themselves into dreaming of becoming Nick Marino?), I'd probably blog every day. But there are also moments like crying over the Grey's Anatomy season finale, dancing to the GIRLS soundtrack, giggling in front of the Jennifer Lawrence - Funny Moments YouTube videos or losing myself in Truman Capote's biography. These are important, too. And unimaginably time-consuming.

Love Is Won by Lia Ices


  1. There is a real honesty to the way you write and that really appeals. Your photographs are also lovely as usual :) xx

  2. you look like a model!



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