On my own

There are mornings when you oversleep your alarm, run out of coffee, or just really don't feel like seeing the same faces at work again. All the gloom doesn't leave much room for creativity, and you just put on your bad day outfit. I guess everyone has their bad day outfits. When I'm still too sleepy in the morning, I blindfold pick a striped T-shirt and jeans. Then I put on my white (gray?) plimsolls to show the world that, yes, I'm proudly the only one out there who likes dirty white plimsolls. I find it really pretty. If my weakened will allows, I roll up sleeves and trousers (no, actually I always do it, no matter what).
Normally, I wouldn't post my bad day outfit, but that day, when I was checking out my bad posture in a glass reflection whilst having a cigarette break, I decided to shoot it after work, just to have it archived here.

PS. Today's inspiration: Hannah from Girls and her I don't give a damn attitude.

Dancing On My Own by Robyn


  1. its a great look for a bad day mood because its laidback and relaxed....love the nautical-inspired shirt and the weaved belt...


  2. very nice look
    i love this tshirt for summer time

    Mi blog by Amo


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